
bubblegum betty

Monday, November 24, 2014

Tearing Up the Excuse

Monday : Letting No Excuse Tear me Down

Here it is.  Monday.  The most dreaded day of the week for many people.

Personally, I love Monday.  Why?  Well, because its just another day to me.  It's another day I get to pursue life even if it sucks or if it rocks or whatever is in between.

Since I'm just starting out with this blog, I would like to take a simple poll & find out who Likes Monday and who Doesn't Like Monday.  Anybody want to participate?  If so, Comment below or email me at & comment by saying either "Like Monday" or "Don't Like Monday"  Hope to hear from you!

Since Monday is a Like day for me, my topics for this day will include something about pursuing the NO EXCUSES theme.  Excuses are so easy to come by.  Excuses are made to derail our attention onto something that seems more fun or appealing to us.  We like excuses because we can escape reality and then live in a make believe place even if just for a few minutes.  But how do we free ourselves from such a binding little thing?  Well,  it takes conscience effort to SAY NO.

I've been battling with a huge excuse for as long as I can remember.  Sleeping in.  Now as a mom, it is so hard to sleep in.  My kids are up around 7:30am (sometimes earlier) every morning.  You might be wondering why that is so difficult.  Well, I am a night owl which means I LOVE to sleep in.  Sleeping in to me means 9:00am, as a mom.  I know good & well that if I were to sleep in until 9am every morning that I would get NOTHING done.  =(  I have kids to feed, get dressed, play with.  A house to clean up after ourselves, laundry to get washed, folded & put away; etc, etc, etc.  You know, all the regular tasks of a Mom.  =P

So, knowing all the tasks, responsibilities, blah blah blah that I have to get done, when am I ever going to have time for myself?  When am I going to take care of me so that I am refreshed, renewed or recharged to take care of "my business?"  It's not a simple task to stare in the face & change right away.  Nope!  Some things in life take time & discipline AND for me, this is one of them.  I have had to make a conscious decision that I am going to wake up by 6am M-F to get myself going.

Some of the things I start doing so early in the morning are spend time with God by reading the Bible & praying, exercising, blogging, writing and/or showering.  All of those tasks, to me, are extremely important & make my day flow a little bit more smoothly.  Now, I don't complete all of those things in 2hrs so, I am working on prioritizing my week days so that I don't overwhelm myself or beat myself up over getting these things accomplished.

As you might have noticed, I only addressed Monday-Friday on this.  I cut myself some slack on the weekend because I don't want to burn myself out.

Here's my challenge to you, if you are compelled:
What is that one Excuse you keep allowing yourself to do?
What is that thing you really want to do better at, have more discipline over, but can't seem to make that choice you want?
---My advice, start making small steps everyday toward your goal.  On the days you fall back on it, remind yourself that its okay...Just remember to get back up, dust yourself off & continue making those steps.  Remember, a baby can't start running until it has learned to walk.  Things take time but have the courage to start making steps so you can reach that goal you really desire to conquer!

You can do it!  We can do this together!


Sunday, November 23, 2014

Refresh, Renew, Recharge: Here We Go!

Ok, so I really do love to write & blog & journal...
Well, sorta!

Are you one to think a lot to yourself but never end up writing things out for yourself or even other people to read?  I am.  I have been told before that I'm a thinker.  Maybe I think too much.  I don't know but since this is true of me, I have decided to find a way to put my thoughts, findings, learnings into a simple, fun format.

And I just don't want to share with myself.  That is boring.  =P
So here's my new challenge/adventure:  Starting today, I am planning to blog everyday. 

On Sundays, I will be writing about something to help kickstart the week off to refresh, renew or recharge myself for the week.  My hope is that it will be beneficial to some of you as well.

Day 1: Sunday
This is my way to recharge one of my passions.  Starting this blog.  Today's post is meant to be simple & short.  So here ya go! 

Going to start somewhere!
I took this picture from the Red Rock Mountains that we live close by