
bubblegum betty

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Little Sponges! They are watching!

As a parent, I don't know about you but when my older child does something that is so meaningful & its caught in a precious moment, I can't help but tear up.  This moment was so special to me that I probably will NOT forget it.

This week we had our first parent/teacher conference with my baby girl's Kindergarten teacher.  We went over how well she is doing in school since she started in August/September.  One major skill in Kindergarten now is WRITING.  =)

Now, my sweet girl has the gift of being chatty, you know, she talks ALL of the time.  (Unless she is using an electronic device.)  This girl has so much to gab about so, now is the time for her to learn how to put her thoughts down on paper!  It's a beautiful process to me, being a thinker & writer (a work in progress) myself.

We just recently finished up November & Thanksgiving.  At school, my daughter's class had been talking a lot about being thankful, what it means to be thankful, etc.  So, naturally, her teacher has the class write about something they are thankful for and then, tell why.

(Unfortunately, I didn't take a picture of her writing but I'll have to see about getting that copy.)

Ok, I've had you on hold long enough.  You're probably wondering WHAT she wrote!

Here it is:  (minus the cute Kindergarten way of spelling & writing)

"I am thankful for my mom & dad because they are married."

Melt my heart, so sweet.  Sooo special.  She is paying attention!  When they say kids are like little sponges, they aren't kidding.  This little girl of mine has been learning what mommy & daddy are all about over the last 2 years.  She's that typical girl who loves fairy tale movies, princesses & all things pink!  She already dreams about her wedding day.  She even, in the past, has talked about wearing a white dress at our wedding because she wants us to get married again (you know, renew our vows) so that she can wear the pretty white dress & be there to see my husband and I in our fancy clothes.

With that being said, parents, your kids are watching.  Some people have different circumstances & might not be married or maybe remarried.  Regardless of where you find yourself in the scope of things, this one thing is important...our kids look up to us!  Even when we don't realize it.  Being a parent is no walk in the park.  It has its ups and downs.  It is a challenge but even greater than that...we get to leave a legacy with them.

The most important thing to remember is that our kiddos are little sponges.  Always love on your babies, spend time with them, teach them their value, direct them in a way that sets them up for success in the future, dance around the house with them, snuggle with them, camp out with them, and whatever it is that is meaningful to your family because that lasting impact will go with them their entire life.

What kind of legacy will you leave with your little sponge?!!
